Friday, October 31, 2008

Past and Present

Have you ever made a mistake regardless of how big or small that you've wanted to take back? I think thats happened to me a few times in recent months and I really wish I could just take it all back or go back and redue all of it again. Clearly its not possible, but I can wish cant I. I think its hard, for me at least, to accept what has happened and try and learn from whats been done. Hopefully things eventually will turn around and I'll become better.

On a side note more exams/projects are comin up which brings much joy into my life. Flag footballs been goin well and hoepfully we'll be able to make it deep so come support us if you can.

Redskins on MNF, probably the best way to start off the week.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another attempt

So here we go again, another attempt at trying to start this up again. Hopefully I can get to the point where I will update this at least every 3 or so days. So whats been on my mind lately? Pretty much future work and my grades have been on my mind for the most part. I havn't been doing as well as I had hoped I would this week, considering this is my hardest semester and i decided to "challenge" myself by taking a class that I really didn't need to take. Of course we've only had one set of mid terms ( I got 2 more next week which I should probably be studying for right now ) so hopefully things will get better.

So I guess the bigger bulk is just where I'm going to work. I went to the career fair each of the 3 days and whether it was actually helpful remains to be seen. I've applied to about five places already and I'm going to have to continue to apply and hopefully one of these company bites and chooses me. I guess at this point I just want to be able to get my foot into the door for a field that I want and wouldn't mind waking up everyday for. I don't exactly want to just "settle" for a job but maybe in this market, i may be forced to do so. I want to be able to provide for my mom cause she has seriously done so much to provide for my sister and I and I want to be able to do the same for her. Working 60-70 hour weeks for her isnt' good and I want to be able to help her.

So I actually dont know how many peoeple are going to read this but I guess its not just to write everything out every once in a while.