Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So first off, for those of you who don't know my favorite artist is Musiq Soulchild. In my opinion one of THE most underrated artists out there today. He sings with real passion and sings about real life situations. Taalib "Musiq Soulchild" Johnson sings is associated with a singing style which blends contemporary R&B, soul, funk, alternative, blues, jazz and hip hop. If you havn't experienced his music yet I ask you have an open mind and I will send you some of his music. I honestly listen to him EVERY day and I do enjoy his music THAT much.

This leads me to a list which was actually a lot harder to put together than I originally expected. This is my top 10 list of songs which are not on everyday radio. Enjoy.

1. Musiq Soulchild - Half Crazy. I think I listen to this song everyday, I just think he put so much heart into this song and means every word

2. Musiq Soulchild - Teach Me. Just listen to it...

3. Musiq Soulchild - Just Friends. Tell me this isn't catch.

4. Chris Brown feat Ester Dean - I Love You. I had the same reaction as all of you when I heard the beginning of the song.

5. Michael Buble - Havn't Met You Yet. Liked this song the very first time I heard it.

6. Chris Tomlin - I Will Rise. One of my favorites by him.

7. Brian Mcknight - The Only One For Me. Classic.

8. Jamie Foxx - Why. I think my favorite of all Jamie Foxx's songs.

9. Musiq Soulchild - Lullaby. Soothing.

10. Craig David - Insomnia. Just a good one.

A few honorable mentions.

11. Colbie Caillat - I Never Told You. Not exactly an avid listen of hers but this one is very good.

12. Musiq Soulchild - Someone. What every guy should want.

13. Dream feat Kanye West - Walkin' On The Moon. Catchy.

Friday, January 22, 2010

To You Shannon Lee

Shannon Lee, did you really think I forgot about you? I apologize for this being a couple days late but I definitely did not forget about you. In fact I'm risking my job right now writing this for you at work! Anyways Happy 19th! You have officially entered you final teen year and I hope you're beginning to feel old like me.

I have known you for 7 years now I believe? Almost since I first start going to CBC and you were scurd of me. Thats all in the past now and I'm glad/privileged to have watch you grow into a young woman. It's been a blessing to have been friends with you for so long and grown close to you especially recently. I've enjoyed paying you random visits at CP and I'm glad that you are able to come to me to talk to me about everything and anything. I truly look forward to seeing whats in store for you in the future because I know nothing but good things are coming your way. You brighten a room with your personality and your laughter and I hope yo never lose this quality. I hope that you continue to chase your dreams and never settle for mediocracy. Strive to be BETTER. Anyways, I look forward to more talks/hangouts and even if I can't visit as frequently now I'll be sure to make time to visit every once in a while. I hope your 19th is the best one yet. Happy Birthday Shannon Lee.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Moving Mountains

So I'm going to start this off a little lightly by saying what happened to all the classic songs!?!?! You know what the ones I'm talking about. The ones you can go months even years without hearing and still sing along to each and every word. Boys II Men - On Bended Knee came on my itouch the other day and it just made me think about all the other classic songs I still enjoy to this day. Songs like Mariah Carey - Always Be My Baby, Boys II Men feat Mariah Carey - One Sweet Day, Usher - You Remind Me, Notorious B.I.G. - Mo Money Mo Problems, Brian McKnight - Anytime and theres many more. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy today's music, the Jason Derulo's, the Jay Sean's, Ne-Yo's, etc etc. Even now, Mariah Carey's new music is sub par and Usher's new stuff has been good but not amazing. How many of you knew that Boys II Men had a CD that came out fairly recently? This was just a short update for all those classic songs that we still love.

So here comes the 'deeper' stuff.

Integrity is defined as " adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty."

Why is it often so hard to make the right choice/decisions which is often also the obvious one too? Why does temporary/short term always prevail over permanent/long term in decision making?

"We are slow to listen, quick to speak, and quick to become angry."

- Francis Chan

I think myself along with the majority of people pick the "quick fix" choice with the I want it now mentality over the often better/rational choice. It's never easy going against your wants/desires/"needs" (using this term loosely becuase most of the time what we think we need is more what we want)

I am FAR from perfect and there's many aspects of my life I want to be better and hope to improve on. I guess this is my ew years resolution list:

1. Continuing to develop my relationship with God - This definitely is no easy task but I hope 2010 will be the best for me.

2. Becoming a better person - although very vague, I want to be better, less judgmental, more rational and make better decisions.

3. Build relationships - I want to take more time talking/spending time with friends both old and new. This may seem simple but I want to get to know people better and just simply hangout with them. I want to be closer to those around me, look out for those younger than me and offer advice/guidance when needed.

4. Being more tough minded - this is more specifically toward me trying to be "too nice" to everyone. I need to be nice to the people who appreciate/accept it and not worry about those who don't.

5. Be thankful for the things I'm blessed with - God, my life, family, friends, food, health, a house, a car, a job, the list could go on forever but its things I take for granted.

6. Less whining/stressed - I've talked about this in my last post but this related to my relationship with God. Why worry right? I'm not saying that I'm never going to worry since its human nature to do so but I am going to make a conscious effort to do less of it. Many things are out of my control so why worry? This is something Pastor Joseph stressed to us back in high school. He gave the scenario of SATs which in high school is drilled into our heads as "the biggest test of our lives," and at the time we buy into it and study for hours on end. All the pressure we put on ourselves to to out perform the next and getting into the best colleges. Let me ask you, when was the last time someone ask you about your SAT score? That number is so insignificant now and chances our things would've been just fine had our scores been however many points more or less of what we got.

7. Stop caring about what others think - I'm not saying this in the sense I'm going to go around blasting everyone but more so stop worrying about what he/she thinks about me if I'm just being myself. If he/she doesn't like me than I shouldn't feel obligated to act differently just to please him/her. I think blogging has been good for me because it allows me to say how I feel and not worry about what people think.

Ultimately I want 2010 to be the bste year of my life. I want to strive to be better and live life to its fullest. I want to be happier and worry less.

"Intellectually we all know that we will die, but we do not really know it in the sense that the knowledge becomes a part of us. We do not really know it in the sense of living as though it were true. On the contrary, we tend to live as though our lives would go on forever. "

- Frederick Buechner

What's in the past is already done, life and learn. Lets starts LIVING life people.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

All Grown Up

23rd birthday was today. Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, it was an amazing birthday and I really couldn't change anything. Turning 23 is a bit apathetic but I'm going to make the best of it none the less. Nothing really exciting happens at the age of 23, it's just another year. However, God has blessed me with so much including the support of my friends and family. I'm optimistic my 23rd will be my best year. I have many things to be happy about and look forward to.

Just finished a week and a half of work and I have to say that I am absolutely exhausted. Waking up at 6:30-7 AM everyday is not the most fun thing to do but its got to be done right? On Thursday I left my house at 7:30 AM planning to be at work by 9. I was about 1 minute from my building getting off the beltway and it was bumper to bumper and I moved about 20 feet in a span of 25 minutes. They ended up shutting the exit off before I even got off so I had to weave my way around. There was a fire a couple blocks down from my building and the traffic was absolutely ridiculous. It ended up taking me 2 hours to get to work and I didn't eat lunch that day so it was wonderful day.

I do a lot of thinking while I'm at work considering I spend most of the time watching my lead do the work because I'm shadowing right now and I don't have security clearance. There's many pros and cons of my work. Some cons being the commute (as stated above) not being able to do any real work yet, the uncertainty of my position (because of the clearance issues and the uncertainty of how long it'll take before I can do anything) The "glass half full" side is the fact I have someone who I can ask questions about. She has been really nice/open about answering my questions. It's definitely comforting having someone there to ease the process. My manager has also been very understanding about my knee situation because I'll have to miss at least a week of work and I'll also have to leave early on some days for physical therapy.

On a completely different note, something I've been thinking about lately is the phrase "all things happen for a reason." I'm curious as to how many people truly believe the statement. I see many people have statuses on facebook or twitter stating "why me" or "FML" ( I actually really dislike this phrase) when something unexpected happens. These two phrases seem to be the common reaction and of course I've reacted this way before too. While doing my fair share of "why me" I've been trying my best to look at the glass as half full. 2009 seemed to be a down year for many people. I had a handful of friends break up from long term relationships which is never easy to deal with. The job market has been horrendous and applying for 10+ jobs and not even getting an interview gets discouraging.

The frustration causes us to say "why does this have to happen to me?" "why cant I have this job?" "why did he/she break up with me?" "why couldn't thing have worked out?" We ask a lot of "whys" when we should try to look at the positives. (haha this sounds lame after typing it out but its true ) I've done plenty of complaining/whining and as I've matured (hah I'm a big boy now) I've refelcted on all the times I've complained in the past and at the time I'd think complaining was the rational thing to do. After soaking things in I've realized each event, good or bad, should be used as a learning experience. For example, if things didnt work out between someone I was interested in, I'd dwell on what I did wrong and what I could've done to make things better. In reality things likely wouldn't have worked out and things worked out for the better. Perhaps this "wise" realization comes with age/experience. Live and learn folks. One of my favorite quotes sums it all up.

"But I am a firm believer in 'Everything happens for a reason.' ... I mean, things happen in life and not just to me. These types of things happen to everyone. It's not being vulnerable; it's just looking at life the way it is from a realistic standpoint. I'm a believer in God and I believe that he puts things in your path for a reason."

Oklahoma City Thunder Point Guard
-Shaun Livingston

Oh and someone gave me a nice compliment about my blog saying "it's not full of s***." I'm going to take it as not sarcastic... so that was really appreciated. I don't know how many loyal readers there are out there but thanks for those who keep coming back. I enjoy writing (I'm prob not the best at it, but nobodies forcing you to read it) so take it for what it is.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

To You Chris Cheung

Happy 25th! I've known you for maybe 5 years now? I think my fondest memory (probably yours too) is doing "security" (I'm using this term very loosely cause lets be honest, 2 asians kids? lets be serious) for CEF and forming CWM or whatever it was. I'm glad I was able to experience that with you and I'm fortunate and blessed to have you always checking up on me. You've helped me through a LOT these past 5 years and for that I am very thankful. You've helped me through my college applications, school essays, personal issues and just acting as a positive role model. I'm glad you're chasing your passion of being a PT and I'm sure I'll come to you since I'm crippled now.

I know we havn't met up/talked as much as should've these past years and that's probably mostly my past just due to laziness but you've always offered guidance regardless. I'm really thankful you always take the time just to ask how I'm doing or ask if I'm doing alright based on anything you've heard or read. You've been like a big brother to me and I definitely look up to you. Hopefully we'll have the hangout that we've been planning for months now.

You seem to always be in a good mood and never seen to let your emotions get the best of you which I admire. What you've done with the younger guys is amazing and they couldn't have a better role model for them. You have a very giving heart and it has rubbed off on me tremendously.

I hope you enjoy your 25th and I hope its your best year yet. You're well on your way to being a top PT and make bank while I live in your basement and play video games all day.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

To You Carolyn Tong

Today you grow one year older. Happy 20th!

Welcome to the old world, no longer a teen. I think I've known you for roughly 4 years now? It sucks that we're not as close as we once were. However, I'm glad that we're constantly able to pick up where we left off and catch up on things easily. I'm glad you followed your dream/heart when you decided to go to Emory when you easily could have gone to Maryland or somewhere close where it is 'safer." (I'm not saying its bad for everyone but you went where you wanted to)

It's been a pleasure watching you grow and I wish I could have played a larger role in your life these past couple years. You're one busy person up at Emory but I know that's a good thing. It's near impossible to catch you on AIM and you're pretty bad at responding at texts (just messin) so the only time we talk is the occasional facebook chat. I still rewatch your youtube videos every once in a while and I really wish you'd make more (*ahem* someone owes me something) I've been fortunate enough to have you as a friend and I hope we'll be able to grow closer once again.

I really like/admire the fact that you don't seem to let things bother you. You seem to have grown up a lot in college and you seem like a much more confident/outgoing person which can only bring good things your way once you enter the real world (P.S. I've only been in the real world for 2 days and it sucks!) Too bad you stop ballin cause your shot was 10 times better than mine.

I hope you continue to chase your dreams at Emory and never give up on anything you believe in. I have no doubt in my mind that you're going to do big things in this world. Happy birthday Godwin.

P.S. I'm glad you're a Musiq Soulchild fan

Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's a New Year

So this is my first post of 2010. I originally planned on posting this before new years but I got lazy. I can honestly say that 2009 has probably been the roughest on me both emotionally and physically. I've learned a lot about myself through my experiences and for that I can be thankful. Although actually having to go through each experience was 'rough' to say the least. I think I spent a lot of 2009 seeking as opposed to being content with what I have or letting things happen naturally and exercising patience/trust. The whole knee injury was almost the "perfect" ending to one of the worst years I can remember. I'm looking forward to a new year and putting everything from 2009 behind me.

Of course not everything in 2009 was bad, I graduated college in May, had a relaxing summer/fall and was able to more or less do nothing and just spend time with friends. Took a couple trips to AC, went to OSU, went to VTech, is there somewhere I'm forgetting? Of course who can forget the countless visits to CP. I also got hired to perhaps my top company, Accenture and I start the new year off with a new job. I'm excited for the opportunity that i have been blessed with and intend on making the most of it.

2010 will be different from previous years (obvious statement right?) in the sense that this will be the first year I won't have to go to school. I'm starting my career at Accenture as a Deployment Congifuation Specialist and who knows what from there. Working 9-6, waking up at 6:30 in the morning, my whole life style will just have to be different. In a sense I'll have to live more efficiently because I won't have all the time in the world to do things like I have the past 8 months. The spontaneity in my life is slowly disappearing. I'll have to schedule times just to see friends and6 I'll no longer be able to eat lunch with people. I guess it's the official start of my "adult" life (well semi since I'll still be living at home and not exactly paying for all of my living expenses). No more days of mommy writing my a sick note so I don't have to go to school, or skipping class just because I'm feeling lazy. Entering the real world doesn't seem so exciting does it? I officially open a new chapter in my life tomorrow (cliche, i know you love it) and I'm just having a bunch of mixed feelings, anxious, nervous, excited. Dreading the waking up at 6:30 AM and the hour+ commute but excited about learning new things and moving forward in life. Hao Min you know how I'm feeling right?

I also have surgery in February, the dates not set yet but I meet with my doctor on Friday to talk about options, I'm hoping by some miracle that he says I don't need surgery but I don't think my luck is that good. I'm trying to be as smart as I can about it and rehabbing hard and doing my best not to strain it so I can get healthy again asap.

Something I hope I improve on in 2010 is not trying to be "too nice" if there is such thing. I mean that I shouldn't try to please everyone and I should keep my close friends closer and not worry about what the outside world thinks about me. Often if I just meet someone I'll try and be too nice and it gets me in trouble. I know this sounds lame to say but if your own mother can recognize this and tells you to toughen up it's got be true right? I hope to be smarter in dealing with relationships/friendships both new and old.

So here's to moving forward and not looking back, learning from past experiences but not dwelling on them.

P.S. I know this post was all over the place I wrote it in pieces like 5 days apart