Sunday, May 11, 2014

I MUST BE CRAZY - 4 Years Later

             I recently looked back at when exactly I decided to pursue physical therapy. Today is the 4 year anniversary of that big day. I am 4 years into my 5 year decision and I could not be happier. The original post is here,, if any of you have interest in reading it.

             It is crazy that 4 years have flown by and that I am 9 months from getting my degree. The journey from Accenture, to Montgomery College, to applying to schools, to now has been one long emotional roller coaster ride. It's been without a doubt one of, if not the most challenging times. School has never been a strong suit of mine and it was a very difficult transition. I'm so blessed to still be here today and still headed towards my goal of becoming a physical therapist. I will officially be done with all my in class academics next Tuesday and will starting the first of three full time clinicals on June 2nd. We just finished our comprehensive practicals which was one of the most stressful times I've gone through at school. With that out of the way the next last big hurdle, not including passing each clinical, is the boards. I've been truly blessed by God in overcoming every hurdle at school. I've also been blessed with crazy support from my family, friends and classmates. Every day I am one step closer to becoming a physical therapist and it's been one crazy ride.