Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Please Don't Judge Me

A little while ago I wrote a post on random things I do which got me thinking about other random things I do. I've come up with a few more things which are more likely than not considered obscure but let's be honest, you probably have weird tendencies too.

Previous list:
1. I find it relaxing to go to the grocery store by myself listen to music and taking my time walking through the isles.
2. I still have CDs in my car from when I was in 10th grade which I've recently been listening to again.
3. I like saving cards people give me, I may not have them all but I think I still have a good amount.
4. I sleep with socks on in the winter, I thought this was normal til a few people told me it was weird
5. Adding on to the last one, I sometimes will remove some clothes when I sleep especially ONE sock (typically the left one) and on occasion I've removed my shirt in my sleep.

1. I have a published article on yahoo, I wrote it last year about my favorite NBA team, the L.A. Clippers. It's probably not that difficult to get it published but I thought it was cool, I got paid $3.00 for it!

Here's the link for those who have interest in reading, http://voices.yahoo.com/the-los-angeles-clippers-return-relevance-fans-11204336.html?cat=14

2. Up until maybe high school I thought wearing long sleeves with shorts was only for girls, I'm not particularly sure what led me to this conclusion, but for the longest time I would only wear pants and short sleeves.

3. In addition to enjoying grocery shopping, every time I grab a cart, I always hope for a perfect cart, it's rather annoying having to constantly fight a cart that deviates to the left or right, or one that squeaks the whole time.

4. My mom used to make me drink milk when I was young. In order to trick her into thinking I drank it, I would pour a little bit of milk into the glass, tilt the glass so the milk gets close to the top and then turn the glass. This would create a temporary ring at the top of the glass which I quickly showed my mom that I had "finished" all the milk, sorry mom.

5. When I was young,  I was an extreme roller and kicker in bed. For example, I used to sleep with those.. blocker things? that you slide under the mattress preventing you from rolling off the bed. I was sleeping at my grandparents place where my bed was just a mattress on the floor and during the night, I managed to kick the blocker off and roll safely under the bed that was in the room. My grandma thought I was kidnapped and nearly called the police until they heard some noise coming from under the bed and there I was.

6. This one may be the weirdest... I used to have a bird which passed away. I attempted to replace my bird by setting up a trap in the backyard. I took the birdcage and placed it in the middle of the backyard, I propped the door open with a stick and attached a string to it which lead inside the house. I also placed a wooden board leading to the cage door. I placed bird food all around the cage, on the wooden board and inside the cage. My thought process was, first, the bird would see the food and start eating it. Then, the bird would climb onto the board and see all the food inside the cage. Once the bird got inside the cage I would pull the string causing the door to shut and VIOLA, I have a new pet bird. Sadly, my plan did not workout well, only a couple birds actually went onto the board while the others were smart enough to just eat the food outside the cage. One time a bird did get right up to the cage doorway and I got way too excited and pulled the string too soon... this was devastating and I gave up soon after. Here is a rough sketch so you can visualize my amazing plan.

Please don't judge me...