Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Life of a PT student part 2

I'm exactly one month from completing my first term of PT school and the past few weeks have been far from ideal. We had a 2 week period of 5 exams and a lab practical which took its toll on me and my grades. The first week went well but the second week of 3 exams in 4 days is where the pressure started to get to me. Long story short, the results in a specific class was a reality check and with 50% of the course left I've been focusing on bringing my grade up. I've always worn my emotions on my sleeves and it's been evident to my classmates that I had done poorly. I've been spending less time in my study groups and more time studying at the library. I've been placing a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself because I feel the need to bring up my grade. I've also been comparing myself to my peers, while I know I shouldn't it's difficult not to when people around me seem to all be doing well. I find myself constantly focusing on my inadequacies instead of focusing on the thing I am capable of controlling.

I've felt a lot better these past few days and I'm focusing on moving forward instead of focusing on the past. I need to learn from my experiences and to better myself. I have great friends here who want to see me succeed and are pushing me to be better.

A friend left this note on my desk

While the gesture may seem small it meant a lot to me that she cares about how I'm doing. While it's still in my human nature to worry about the future, I'm learning to take things one step at a time. God has placed me here for a reason and who am I to question His plans for me. I've realize that I am blessed to even have this opportunity because many people aren't able to pursue a career they love. While there will undoubtedly be more trials in the future I'm focused on keeping my head up and taking things in stride.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
-Philippians 4:6-7