Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Random Update

I've been wanting to write on here for a while but just couldn't figure out anything to write about specifically. My past few posts have all been about school and this one (for the first half or so) won't be any different. This term has flown by, there's only 5 weeks left and finals are slowly creeping up. I've been doing better this term but still need to continue to push myself to focus more and strive to be better. The pressure is building and it's hard to not always be thinking about it when I'm surrounded by school but I'm doing my best to lift it ALL up to God. It's easy to get caught up in all that I'm doing but I try to remind myself I can't do this by myself. I'll likely be more MIA these next 5 weeks just trying to lock down and finish the term strong. I've learned a lot about what it takes to be good student and hope to continue to improve my study habits.

I read a friend's blog a while back and she listed off some random things she enjoys doing, habits and whatever else she could think of and it got me thinking about random things that I do which seem more or less normal to me. Here is a list of what I could come up with off the top of my head:
1. I find it relaxing to go to the grocery store by myself listen to music and taking my time walking through the isles.
2. I still have CDs in my car from when I was in 10th grade which I've recently been listening to again.
3. I like saving cards people give me, I may not have them all but I think I still have a good amount.
4. I sleep with socks on in the winter, I thought this was normal til a few people told me it was weird
5. Adding on to the last one, I sometimes will remove some clothes when I sleep especially ONE sock (typically the left one) and on occasion I've removed my shirt in my sleep.

There's probably more but I couldn't think of any so that's all for now. Boring post... oh well