Sunday, May 13, 2012

Turning The Page

It's a surreal feeling to have just finished all of my per-requisites, these two years have flown by so quickly and its hard to put my feelings into words. I went back to look at some previous blog posts and it was two years ago when I made the decision to go back to school. ( titled "I Must Be Crazy " if you're interested ) These two years seem to have flown by and it seems like I just the other day I was still employed with Accenture. There have been some stressful times with school and applications but I've learned a lot about myself as a student along the way. I know I still have a lot of learning to do as far as my study habits but while they've improved over the past two years I still have a long way to go.

It's hard to imagine in three short months I'll be moved into a new city and state,  likely to be Concord, NH. As of right now, Franklin Peirce University is where I've been led to go. Up until a week ago, I had only been accepted into one school but in the past week God has opened up some more doors for me. I turned down Wheeling Jesuit University who offered me a spot in their program which starts next week. I wasn't particularly fond of the area and the school/program itself. Midwestern University also contacted me last week asking if I were still interested in the program and for a potential interview this upcoming week. It's such a blessing to have been given more options and now more then ever I need to consider where God wants me to be and which school will be the best fit for me.

As of right now, I'm preparing myself to move to Concord, NH. I've never visited the area yet which only makes it that much more nerve wracking. I've messaged a handful of students who are currently in the program and every one had good things to say about the professors and curriculum which is very reassuring. My biggest concern is having professors who aren't willing to work with their students in times of need and don't necessarily have an "open door" policy. Every student I've spoken with has persistently stated all the professors are extremely helpful which is really comforting to me. I am extremely thankful that every student I messaged was more than willing to answer all of my questions. I've also spoken with  a few students who will be in my class and they all seem really friendly. I'm hoping for a roommate/classmate who's also a believer because I know having that support will be important during stressful times and throughout all of PT school. I was fortunate enough to find a classmate who is a believer and was equally excited to find out that I was one too. We've already discussed exploring churches in the area and I'm glad that I'll have somebody go to church with. I'm currently still searching for a roommate and I can only hope that I find one that I get along well with.

I'm excited/anxious to get PT school started but am also nervous about what lies ahead. I've lived in this area my entire life but I think it'll be good to move out of my comfort zone and gain some life experiences. Regardless of what lies ahead I'll be certain to work persistently in my studies and work to glorify God. I'm looking forward to starting the next chapter of my life and excited to see what God has in store for me next.