Monday, July 7, 2014

Emotions On My Sleeves

For as long as I can remember, I've never been good about hiding my emotions and have always been one wear my emotions on my sleeves. My emotions have gotten the best of me more times than not and I honestly don't know when this all started. I think the last time in my life I remember not being an emotional person was probably middle school, but who knows, maybe I was then and just didn't realize it. I often let my emotions get the best of me which causes me to act in a way I wouldn't otherwise. In addition to that, I am not the most patient person which also will cause me to lose my temper and become emotional. I've struggled with not letting the little things get to me but rather allow them to affect me. My mom and close friends have tried telling me to let things go but it's something I continue to struggle with.

No single person understands this more than Ashley because I talk to her more than others, but of course others who I interact with regularly have experienced this as well. Learning to control my emotions, in addition to being a more patient person has proven to be one of the more difficult challenges in my life. I am far from perfect and it's something I struggle with regularly and something I've recently been more conscious of. I believe it's something that I can change but will require a lot of awareness on my own part but it will ultimately be by God's grace that change happens.

I've lost my temper, been emotional or impatient more times than I can count but there's nothing I can do but to learn and grow from my experiences. I'm thankful and blessed for all those who continue to support me everyday of my life. I'm hopeful that change comes sooner rather than later as I become more aware of my emotions and actions.

James 1:19 - "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." 

Proverbs 29:11 - "A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control."