Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Coaching A Community

For the past couple of years, I have had the privilege of coaching the CBC Women's Flag Football team alongside Joshie and several others. This season was unlike any I have ever experienced and I am blessed to be a part of this team.

From the start of the season, Joshie and I set a priority on building a community which was reflective of God's love for us. We emphasized this to those who wanted to join and made it clear this team was not just about simply playing football. We wanted a team that cared for one another,  one that got to know each other outside of the football field, one that could pray and support one another. While we may not have won the tournament this year, I personally believe that God's love and presence was felt on this team. This was by far the most close knitted team I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of as players, coaches and helpers all genuinely cared for one another. We shared countless amount of joy and laughter throughout the season and these are the memories I will cherish most. I was able to get to know some amazing people this season and hope these friendships continue to grow.

Something that stuck out to me the most was that while at the end of the championship game, I lost my temper while the players kept their composure. In the moment of my own personal sin, the players were able to shrug off the loss and gather together for dinner to just enjoy each other's company without sulking on the loss. I am proud of this team regardless of the end result of the tournament itself because we came together for our ultimate goal of creating a Christ centered community. I am so proud of every member of this team for their efforts throughout the entire season and can't wait until next year!

PC: Jonathan Hsu

When I read comments like the three above, it makes coaching so worth it.
PC: Tim Ho
PC: Tim Ho

PC: Tim Ho

PC: Jonathan Hsu

Not many people are blessed enough to get to coach their amazing wife